Boy crazy??

Well at only two years old, my daughter is exhibiting the behavior of a boy crazed teenager. I am so scared.
It happened again today, she spotted a cute boy at the playground, a considerably older boy at that. And began following him around.
As most of these interactions begin, she walks up to him and smiles sweetly, then shreeks and runs away. This gets their attention every time. Depending on the type of boy it is, he either gives her a funny look and goes on his way. Or he smiles back and follows. Now, being that they are always older (around the 4-6 year old range) they usually say something to her intelligent, such as “hi” or “you’re silly.”
Her response is always a shreek of excitement. You know, the ear piercing kind that could grab the attention of a deaf person.
I always get a chuckle out of this, because she is just so socially awkward, it’s embarrassing. I try to tell her
“Violet, why dont you say HI to him and ask if he wants to play??”
Her response is that of something I can only compare to the Tasmanian devil from the Looney toons. I just can’t believe you little girl. You are just, I don’t know.
And so the chase begins. They run around, she shreeks and plays peekaboo, rolls around on the floor in front of him, and in this instance, she started playing ball with him. It’s a cute interaction  to watch, but it makes me wonder what kind of stuff I will be dealing with her in the future.
I wish she played like that with everybody, and not just cute older boys. Because damn, I am so scared.