Fuck Winter


As an adult before having babies I didn’t care much for the cold, dark, snowy winters. But now, I can not express how much I hate it! Being stuck inside for days on end, having to take nearly 30 fucking minutes to get layers of shirts, sweaters, coats, boots, hats mittens ON…and then the struggle to KEEP them ON!!! Holy crap. Sometimes it’s worth staying inside another day.
Why don’t I take them outside to play in the pretty snow you may ask. Um no. Refer to my first post with the picture of the snow in the bath tub. Yeah, they still didn’t like playing with that crap, even inĀ  the warmth of our house. Too wet too cold nope nope nope. I’m sort of glad they don’t enjoy it because I’m pretty sure if they did I would find any possible way to ruin it. Like maybe a snowball to the face or something.
Anyways this winter has been brutal and we’ve been going nuts trying to stay occupied inside. They came upon a drawer full of summer clothing I had been successful at hiding up until that point. And oh my gawd bathing suits. It’s like they had found treasure, wearable treasure. Even Eva Rose wanted to put hers on and she hates getting dressed!
So I put on their swim suits and they paraded around looking all cute I couldn’t help to think they were missing something. Water. I filled the tub and as I plopped them in they were baffled by the fact that a.) they were not naked and b.) They were wearing clothes without diapers underneath.
There is nothing better than making something out of nothing, changing things up a bit especially on a cold dark snowy winter day. They enjoyed themselves and it kept me sane, at least for the moment.